Wednesday 23 July 2014

The only reason why I am writing a blog -My written communication teacher wrote in my book- “You write well” with an orange coloured pen. It felt good.  I knew I did not suck at writing, but it was good to hear it from a WC teacher.

 Well, what do I write in a blog? I have absolutely no idea. I have never been a good sharer- There is nothing much to share to begin with. But, there is something called peer pressure- a major catalyst which has helped me to begin this blog.

I have never been lucky in my life, I know its a cliché, but that is how I explain my laziness. Although peer pressure is the catalyst, the acid is sadness. I've been sad for the past two days. Nothing is happening well for me. Lets fast reverse.

School days were the best part of my life, had a lot of fun. I screwed up engineering,and screwed up big time. I got an off campus placement in production, which was not bad. After working for 2 years, I decided to give CAT a try. If you are hoping for good news, its not going to happen. Guess what? I screwed up again. But as a practice for CAT, I had also taken MAT, which is a much simpler form of CAT. I scored well, and I got into the best college a MAT score could get me into- XIME Bangalore. Its a good college, I like it. I feel that I have a lot to learn from here..Public speaking,debates,presentations and what not.Hostel life would not be a problem for me since I have 6 years of experience in that field.

So I arrived a day before the classes started in the hostel room, met my room mates, who were nice. Presently, one month has passed.Slowly getting into the groove,I guess.

The people here seem strange, everyone is so active and engaged all the time.

I have to change.Its inevitable.